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From Bergen to Øvre Eidfjord
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From Bergen to Øvre Eidfjord


Along Sörfjorden (102 kb)

There are still snow on top of the mountains, even in august - here along Sörfjorden
I left Bergen and drove on my bike into the country. There are 2 ways out of Bergen by bike: north or south - it is not possible to go directly east because of a big mountain. I took the northern route. I didn't realize, that the bike-trail more or less went over this mountain, so already from the start I was driving up a mountain - but afterall this was one of the things I went to Norway for...


After a few kilometers I could follow a fjord and things were going well. But my plan was to find a camping-site along the Hardanger fjord. This meant that I had to cross another summit. But the nature was beautiful, and especially the descent towards the Hardanger fjord was amazing. When I arrived in Norheimsund I "checked in" at the camping-site, which had a beautiful location only a few meters from the Hardanger fjord. Trengereid

Trengereid where I took the road to the Hardanger fjord

View from the descent towards Norheimsund (144 kb)
The next day was an "off"-day. From Bergen to Norheimsund I drove 100 km without problems and without having trained, but just a few kilometers after I left Norheimsund I got tired just by looking at my bike. Perhaps I hadn't eaten properly? But I finally made it to Kvanndal, where I took a small ferry to Kinsarvik on the other side of the Hardanger Fjord.

In Kinsarvik it was like I was reborn - I wasn't tired anymore so the rest of the way to Øvre Eidfjord I used my high gears - I was almost flying!!

In Eidfjord which is before Øvre Eidfjord the Hardanger Fjord stops and the Måbö valley begins. From Eidfjord to Øvre Eidfjord is 6 km. It's almost flat - the total "climb" is 19 m, but if you're on bike, you have to take the old road trough some quite long, dark tunnels - if you don't know what real darkness is, you'll find out here.



Here I am on the campingsite in Norheimsund before departure

The ferry from Kvanndal to Kinsarvik stops in Utne

Crossing the Utne Fjord (50 kb)

Updated October 6, 2002 / copyright Finn Møller
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