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Florida Keys

Boats for sale

Boats for sale (183 kb)
Florida Keys is a "chain" of small islands south of the Florida peninsula. The last and most southern island is Key West. The islands are connected with bridges. Florida Keys and Key West have many visiting tourist because of the good and warm climate, the nature and the possibilities for different kind of watersports (fishning, sailing and diving). Long Key Bridge

Long Key Bridge over channel #5, connecting Long Key with Craig Key. The bridge on the right is the original bridge, originally constructed for the railroad, but later converted to car traffic (152 kb)
Beach on Florida Keys

Beach on Florida Keys (93 kb)
7 Mile Bridge - heading south

7 Mile Bridge - heading south (75 kb)
7 Mile Bridge - heading south

7 Mile Bridge - heading south (104 kb)
7 Mile Bridge - heading south

7 Mile Bridge - heading south (102 kb)
7 Mile Bridge - heading north

7 Mile Bridge - heading north (84 kb)
7 Mile Bridge - heading north

7 Mile Bridge - heading north (76 kb)
Bahia Honda Historical Bridge

Bahia Honda Historical Bridge - old railroad bridge - in Florida Keys (125 kb)
The new Bahia Honda Bridge

The new Bahia Honda Bridge next to the old (228 kb)

Key West

Duvall Street

Duvall Street at sunset (97 kb)
The last island in Florida Keys is Key West. The island is known for being the southernmost point in USA, where Ernest Hemmingway lived, a lot of partying and "night-life", and sunsets. The city Key West is divided in "New Town" which is the part closest to the rest of USA, and where different hotel/motel og fastfood-chains are located, and "Old Town", which is the old part of town. The mainstreet in "Old Town" is Duval Street with its many bars, restaurants and souvenirshops. Duvall Street

Duvall Street at sunset (72 kb)
Key West - sunset

Sunset over Key West - one of the things, you "must" see (55 kb)
Duvall Street

Duvall Street (228 kb)
Duvall Street

Duvall Street (220 kb)
Duvall Street

Duvall Street (219 kb)
Key West - The Southernmost Point

One of the many things, Key West is known for, is "The Southernmost Point" - only 90 miles from Cuba (131 kb
Sloppy Joe's

Sloppy Joe's - one of the famous bars (185 kb)
Fat Tuesday

Fat Tuesday - another of the famous bars (204 kb)
St. Paul Episcopol Church

St Paul Episcopol Church (188 kb)

Updated July 24, 2009 / copyright Finn Møller
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