Home > Trains > Denmark > Diesel days in Odense | |||
The 50 year jubilee for the danish MY-class was held in Odense on August 14-15. 2004. At the jubilee called "Diesel Days in Odense" several of the MY-class' "sisters" participated. As a railfan I of course took a trip to Odense on August 15 to see a lot of GM action! | It was a pleasure to see the old locomotives, and I got some good pictures. I have put most of the pictures here, even though many of them show foreign power. |
GM locomotives! (98 kb) |
GM locomotives! (105 kb) |
GM locomotives! (106 kb) |
GM locomotives! (127 kb) |
MY 1101 (72 kb) |
MY 1126 on the turning table (79 kb) |
MY 1126 (78 kb) |
MY 1126 (71 kb) |
DSB 80 86 00-21-135-7, alias MY 1135. Behind it MZ 1401 (114 kb) |
DSB 80 86 00-21-135-7, alias MY 1135 (82 kb) |
MX 1001 (116 kb) |
MX 1001 and a lot of exhaust smoke from NSB Di 3.616 (130 kb) |
MX 1001 (94 kb) |
MY 1101 - M38 - MX 1001 (53 kb) |
Lollandsbanen M38, ex-MY 1153 (76 kb) |
Nordjyske Jernbaner M11, ex-MX 1009 (79 kb) |
Nordjyske Jernbaner M11, ex-MX 1009 (100 kb) |
OHJ MX 103, ex-MX 1010 (61 kb) |
TÅGAB TMY 106, ex-MY 1108 (96 kb) |
MAV 2761017, ex-M61 017 (82 kb) |
MAV 2761017, ex-M61 017 (96 kb) |
MAV 2761017, ex-M61 017 (79 kb) |
NSB Di 3.616 (127 kb) |
NSB Di 3.616 (86 kb) |
- I wasn't the only one taking pictures... (139 kb) |
NSB Di 3.616 showing off... (120 kb) |
NSB Di 3.616 (97 kb) |
CFL 1604 (82 kb) |
CFL 1604 (117 kb) |
CFL 1805 (67 kb) |
SNCB/NMBS 202.020, ex-CFL 1602 (86 kb) |
SNCB/NMBS 202.020, ex-CFL 1602 (86 kb) |
GMs demonstrator 7707 starts with a lot of exhaust smoke... (122 kb) |
GMs demonstrator 7707 (122 kb) |
GMs demonstrator 7707 (96 kb) |
GMs demonstrator 7707 (86 kb) |
SJ T41 200 (58 kb) |
SJ T41 204 (104 kb) |
A little info on the locomotives: