Home > Trains > Denmark > DB Schenker Rail Danmark / DB Cargo Scandinavia BR 185
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DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 (357 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 with an intermodal freight passes Brøndbyøster station on July 7, 2009, 19:15.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 (268 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 heads an LKW Walther intermodal freight through Buchholz, Germany, on September 3, 2010, 13:09.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 (151 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 at Nyborg heading HUPAC train G 41913 (Malmö G - Taulov) on August 23, 2012, 19:05.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 (303 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 321 passes Rødovre Station with Van Dieren train 42732 (Herne/Duisburg - Sävenäs/Göteborg) on February 5, 2013, 16:40.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 (194 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 runs through Ørestad with mixed freight 38996 with D-TWA Hiirrs, D-DB Sahmms, D-DB Hbbills, D-DB Eanos, B-LNS Shimms, S-TWA Laaiis, CH-TWA Habbiins and S-AAE Rilns wagons on March 30, 2019, 18:05.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 (308 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 runs through Rødovre with freight 63615 on June 7, 2019, 20:20. Freights through Denmark often don't run with the numbers in the fixed timetable, but under alternate train numbers. 63615 is the "Volvo"-train (Älmhult - Gent). It runs with "normal" train number 46253 to Malmö G, arriving 35 minutes late - and after a short stop continued as 63615, now 20 minutes early. The train consisted of Green Cargo Sgnss wagons - many empty, but also some with the usual red-brown containers VOLU containers. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 (329 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 runs through Ørestad with "Volvo"-train 36753 - replacement number for the "normal" 46253 (Älmhult - Gent Zeehaven) on May 7, 2020, 18:50. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas. The train consists of red/brown VOLU and a few blue/white WICU containers on S-GC Sgnss (also marked VTG or AAE) wagons. As far as I know the train carries car body part made at Volvo Olofströmsverken to the Volvo factory in Gent.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 (332 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 321 runs through Ørestad with intermodal freight 36630, substitute number for 42752 ((Coevorden) - Bad Bentheim - Malmö Gbg) with Bruhn, Leemans, PNO, TAL, P&O Ferrymasters, UES and CAI trailers, containers and swap bodies, on October 24, 2020, 13:25.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 (230 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 heads an intermodal freight through Tostedt, Germany, on September 2, 2010, 18:08.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 (254 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Hamburg-Harburg with a "Volvo"-train on March 8, 2012, 18:14.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 (257 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 in Malmö Gbg on April 17, 2014, 16:52.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 (326 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Hamburg-Harburg with a container train on June 13, 2015, 14:55.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 + 185 327

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 + 185 327 (370 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 + 185 327 runs through Ørestad with freight 46276 on June 9, 2017, 18:57.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (273 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 passes Rødovre St. with "Volvo"-train 37831 (replacement for train 44773) from Älmhult on June 18, 2018, 19:15.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (306 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Rødovre with freight 36453 (replacement for 41753 "Alter Schwede", (Rosersberg) - Malmö G - Lübeck Scandinavienkai) on September 1, 2018, 9:01. The train carries red Spedition Bode trailers and containers on D-DB Sdggmrs and Sggmrs wagons, transporting goods for Lidl.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (321 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Ørestad with "Volvo" train 44771 from Älmhult on September 8, 2018, 18:32.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (294 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Rødovre with freight 37757 on June 25, 2019, 22:05. Freights through Denmark often don't run with the numbers in the fixed timetable, but under alternate train numbers. 37757 is the "Volvo"-train (Älmhult - Gent), running about 2 hours late, in the "normal" timetable the train number is 46253. The train consisted of Green Cargo Sgnss wagons - the first wagons as usual empty, but also some with red-brown VOLU containers. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (293 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Rødovre with "Volvo"-train 36753 (Älmhult - Gent) on June 5, 2020, 19:37. From Älmhult to Malmö Gbg it ran with its "normal" number, 46253, but changed to 36753 from Malmö Gbg.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 (320 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 322 runs through Brøndbyøster with intermodal freight 38525, replacement for the "normal" 42743 (Malmö Gbg - Bad Bentheim - (Coevorden)), with Bruhn, VDT, PNO, P&O Ferrymaster, many Leemans, Heisterkamp and VOTG Tanktainer containers and trailers, on November 22, 2020, 8:16. In opposite direction is a LKW Walter/Fixemer train. Usually Sundays has few freight trains - this morning there were 3 in 12 minutes - and then 5 hours with no freights.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 (253 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 - in new DB Schenker / Green Cargo livery - passes Rødovre station with a freight on February 16, 2011, 9:09.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 (198 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 heading the "beer train", G 9233 (Høje Taastrup - Fredericia), at Nyborg after having crossed the Storebælt bridge on June 22, 2012, 15:02.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 (194 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 323 heading the "beer train", G 9233 (Høje Taastrup - Fredericia), at Nyborg after having crossed the Storebælt bridge on June 22, 2012, 15:02.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323 (461 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323 runs through Valby with the sunday Lidl train 41406 (Lübeck - Roserberg) with Bode trailers and containers with goods for Lidl, on June 14, 2020, 18:37. From Malmö Gbg it had train number 62130, arriving in Rosersberg at 4:30 Monday morning. It often runs early, and I have just missed it on previous sundays. This sunday I was out a little earlier and just in time, just seconds after I arrived I could see the train in the curve, running a little more than an hour early.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323 (333 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 323 runs thorugh Ørestad with "Volvo" train 38651, a rescheduled 46251/36751 (Älmhult - Gent Zeehaven) on November 1, 2020, 14:31. After the Øresund bridge opened again after having been closed for maintenance for 24 hours, a number of freight were seen on sunday afternoon, most of them rescheduled and running with other trains numbers. This train was the third freight from Sweden.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 (264 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 heads an intermodal freight with Norfolk Line and DSV trailers through Hamburg-Harburg on September 3, 2010, 18:34.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 (255 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 heads an Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight (GD 44721, Göteborg - Hannover Linden) at Rødovre on June 27, 2012, 9:12.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 (365 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 324 runs through Altertslund with freight GD 42735 (Helsingborg G - Wanne Eickel) on September 4, 2013, 18:33.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324 (254 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324 runs through Åkarp with freight 46277 ("Volvo" train from Älmhult) on May 12, 2017, 18:05.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324 (258 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 324 passes Brøndbyøstervej on the new line with Leemans train 34600 (Coevorden - Bad Bentheim - Malmö Gb) on September 3, 2021, 19:44. Freights normally run on the old line via Roskilde, but are due to track works rerouted to the new line.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 (328 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 in Padborg, Denmark, with an intermodal freight on March 14, 2009.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 (299 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 with a Norfolk Line intermodal freight, just west of Brøndbyøster station, on July 7, 2009, 18:19.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 (229 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 heads GD 42735 (Helsingborg G - Wanne Eickel) just west of Brøndbyøster station on June 25, 2012, 18:52.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 (277 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 325 arrives in Padborg with an Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight (GD 44721, Göteborg - Hannover Linden) on October 12, 2012, 13:15.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 326

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 326 (383 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 326 passes Albertslund station with an Van Dieren / Samskip intermodal freight on September 4, 2013, 18:30.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 326

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 326 (326 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 326 runs through Rødovre with freight 39144, probably replacement for 46256 (Gent – Älmhult), with S-TWA Laaeilprs and S-GC Laaeilprss wagons and a few trailers, on July 2, 2019, 21:52.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327 (344 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327 departs from København H with a "Volvo-train" from Sweden on May 22, 2018, 19:44. Due to engineering works to connect the new railway København - Ringsted at Ny Ellebjerg, freight trains was diverted via København H, arriving at København H, change locomotive and then continue. The train arrived behind 185 326.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327 (280 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 327 runs through Ørestad with GD 42775 (LKW Walter/Fixemer from Malmö G) on September 8, 2018, 16:33.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 328

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 328 (275 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 328 heads a northbound freight through Hamburg-Harburg on November 20, 2010, 11:51.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329 (253 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329 heads an Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight (GD 44721, Göteborg - Hannover Linden) at Rødovre on February 7, 2012, 9:08.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329 (316 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 329 runs through Malmö Östervärn with "volvo-train" GX 46256 (Gent Zeehaven - Älmhult) on April 24, 2015, 12:41.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 329

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 329 (355 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 329 runs through Ørestad with freight GD 42775 (LKW Walter/Fixemer from Malmö G) on June 2, 2018, 16:54.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 (214 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 arrives in Padborg with a freight freight on December 19, 2009, 12:19.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 (237 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 in Padborg next to Hector Rail 241.010 on December 19, 2009.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 (213 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 in Padborg next to Hector Rail 241.010 on December 19, 2009.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 (263 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 330 passes Brøndbyøster Station with an Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight (HG 44722, Hannover Linden - Göteborg) on October 19, 2012, 18:03.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 (215 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 runs through Ørestad with mixed freight GD 44722 (Padborg - Malmö G), delayed 4 hours, on a very cold February 27, 2018, 17:07.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 (279 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 runs through Åkarp with "Volvo" train 39565 (Älmhult - Gent), running 46 minutes late, on June 14, 2019, 18:35. This train has train number 46253 in the fixed timetables. The train consisted of Green Cargo Sgnss wagons - many empty, but also some with the usual red-brown VOLU containers. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 (258 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 runs through Ørestad with freight 36650 - the "normal" train number is 42728 (Wanne - Malmö Gbg) with LWK Walter and Fixemer trailers on DB and Kombi Verkehr Sdggmrss wagons on December 21, 2019, 12:47.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 (376 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 330 runs thorugh Rødovre with freight 36630, replacement for 42752 (Bad Bentheim - Malmø Gbg), with Leemans, Jiffy, Bruhn, GWG and Westerman containers and trailers, on September 19, 2020, 12:55.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331 (328 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331 heads a freight at Rødovre on February 3, 2012, 15:34.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331 (215 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 331 heads Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight HG 44722 (Hannover Linden - Göteborg) through Hedehusene on July 6, 2012, 17:24.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331 (311 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331 runs through Ørestad with freight 46277 ("Volvo" train fra Älmhult) on June 14, 2017, 19:05.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331 (156 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 331 runs through Ørestad with the Malmö - Coevorden-shuttle, running as train 39507 (normally 42745), with many Leemans containers and trailers + a few other trailers/containers and tankcontainers, on August 1, 2019, 22:11, about 30 minutes early. The picture was taken in manual mode, to avoid the bright headlight to making the picture to dark and with a relatively low shutterspeed so I could keep ISO 2000 and avoid to much noise - and hoping the shutterspeed would be enough to get a sharp picture of the moving train...

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 332

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 332 (258 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 332 passes Rødovre with Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight HG 44722 (Hannover Linden - Göteborg) on October 23, 2013, 18:04.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 (279 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 in Hamburg-Harburg on April 2, 2009, 14:22.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 (275 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 heads a "Volvo" train through Hamburg-Harburg on April 20, 2010, 16:52.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 (258 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 heads an Samskip / Van Dieren intermodal at Rødovre on December 1, 2010, 8:48.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 (218 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 333 heads HUPAC train 41913 (Malmö G - Taulov) through Hedehusene on July 6, 2012, 17:45.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 333

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 333 (334 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 333 runs through Hedehusene with GX 46276 (Flensburg - Malmö G) on June 21, 2017, 19:00.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334 (238 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334 heads a "Volvo"-train through Buchholz, Germany, on March 9, 2012, 16:55.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334 (275 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 334 passes Rødovre Station with Van Dieren train 42732 (Herne/Duisburg - Sävenäs/Göteborg) on February 12, 2013, 16:42.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 (195 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 in Fredericia on February 12, 2012.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 (308 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 heads an Ewals Cargo Care intermodal freight (GD 44721, Göteborg - Hannover Linden) at Rødovre on October 23, 2012, 9:08.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 (413 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 335 heads an intermodal freight through Rødovre on May 7, 2014, 18:18.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 335

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 335 (512 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 335 runs through Sydhavnen in København with trailer train 42773 (Malmø Gbg - Wanne) with LKW Walter and Fixemer trailers on DB and D-KOMBI Sdggmrss wagons, on April 7, 2020, 10:50.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336 (196 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336 runs through Rødovre station with a Transwaggon train on December 10, 2010, 15:26.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336 (230 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 336 heads GD 42735 (Helsingborg G - Wanne Eickel) through Albertslund on July 6, 2012, 19:27.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337 (275 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337 heads a freight through Hamburg-Harburg on April 19, 2010, 10:35.

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337 (202 kb)

DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia 185 337 in new DB Schenker - Green Cargo paint scheme heading a Samskip intermodal freight to Sweden at Rødovre Station on January 4, 2011, 8:43.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337 (361 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337 departs from København H with LKW Walter/Fixemer train 36809 from Malmö G (normally runs as 42775) on May 19, 2018, 18:05. Due to engineering works to connect the new railway København - Ringsted at Ny Ellebjerg, freight trains was diverted via København H, arriving at København H, change locomotive and then continue. The train arrived behind 185 330.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337 (235 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 337 runs through Ørestad with freight 63357 ("Volvo"-train Älmhult - Gent), about 50% loaded with red/brown containers on AAE and Green Cargo Sgnss, on March 30, 2019, 18:04. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402 (292 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402 runs through Rødovre with freight 39393 (Älmhult - Gent) on July 3, 2019, 19:55. The train ran as 46253 from Älmhult to Malmö G, and after a 9 minute stop continued as train 39393, running about 50 minutes early. The train consisted of Green Cargo Sgnss wagons - the first wagons as usual empty, but also some with red-brown VOLU containers. It is actually a Green Cargo train, but is hauled by DB Cargo between Älmhult and Maschen, from Maschen it is hauled by belgian Lineas.

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402 (313 kb)

DB Cargo Scandinavia 185 402 passes Vigerslev Alle on the flyover with freight 36660 (replacement for the "normal" 42752, Bad Bentheim - Malmø Gbg), with Bruhn and Leemans containers + Westerman, Leemans, PNO, VDT and GWG trailers, on April 18, 2020, 13:15.

Updated October 27, 2019 / copyright Finn Møller
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