BR 245-246-285 is a TRAXX DE (ME) multi-engine locomotive.
DB 245 021 (237 kb)
DB 245 021 departs from Lehnshallig with RE6, train 11022 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt), after a meet with a Sylt Shuttle on August 23, 2019, 18:12.
DB 245 022 (241 kb)
DB 245 022 arrives at Lehnshallig with Sylt Shutlle AS 1455 (Westerland (Sylt) - Niebüll) on August 23, 2019, 19:11.
DB 245 022 (216 kb)
DB 245 022 departs from Lehnshallig with Sylt Shutlle AS 1458 (Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt)), after a meet with a RE6, on August 23, 2019, 19:53.
DB 245 022 (280 kb)
DB 245 022 in Klanxbüll with a Sylt Shuttle, probably the 18:35 Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt) service, on July 5, 2020, 19:12.
DB 245 024 (219 kb)
DB 245 024 passes Am Rollwagenzug just outside Niebüll with SyltShuttlePlus D1445 (Westerland (Sylt) - Niebüll and with the 628/928 set continuing to Bredstedt) on July 7, 2020, 16:39.
DB 245 024 (229 kb)
DB 245 024 on the Hindenburgdamm with SyltShuttlePlus D 1429 (Westerland (Sylt) - Niebüll) on July 8, 2020, 11:30. In the distance RDC Autozug Sylt 247 909 is running towards Sylt.
DB 245 027 (234 kb)
DB 245 027 arrives at Lehnshallig with Sylt Shuttle AS 1453 (Westerland (Sylt) - Niebüll) on August 23, 2019, 18:38.
DB 245 027 (218 kb)
DB 245 027 departs from Lehnshallig with Sylt Shuttle AS 1456 (Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt)) on August 23, 2019, 19:25.
DB 245 201 (274 kb)
DB 245 201 is about to go onto the Hindenburgdamm with a RE6, perhaps train 11010 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt)) on July 8, 2020, 12:31.
DB 245 203 (292 kb)
DB 245 203 passes Am Rollwagenzug just outside Niebüll with RE6, train 11006 (Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt) on July 7, 2020, 10:11.
DB 245 204 (254 kb)
DB 245 204 departs after a meet at Lehnshallig with perhaps RE6 empty stock to Westerland (Sylt) on July 5, 2020, 19:39.
DB 245 205 (192 kb)
DB 245 205 departs from Lehnshallig with RE6, train 11020 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt)), after a meet with a Sylt Shuttle, on August 23, 2019, 17:15.
DB 245 206 (271 kb)
DB 245 206 is about to go on onto the Hindenburgdamm with RE6, train 11058 (Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt)) on July 7, 2020, 10:56.
DB 245 206 (247 kb)
DB 245 206 passes Am Rollwagenzug just outside Niebüll with RE6, train 11020 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt)) on July 7, 2020, 17:04.
DB 245 209 (242 kb)
DB 245 209 has just departed Lehnshallig, outside of Niebüll, with RE6, train 11020 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt)), after a meet with a Sylt Shuttle, on August 23, 2019, 17:45.
DB 245 210 (218 kb)
DB 245 210 departs from Lehnshallig with perhaps a delayed RE6, train 11024 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt) on August 23, 2019, 19:30.
DB 245 211 (221 kb)
DB 245 211 has just departed Lehnshallig, outside of Niebüll, after a meet, with RE 6, train 11026 (Hamburg-Altona - Westerland (Sylt)) on August 23, 2019, 20:07.
DB 245 214 (274 kb)
DB 245 214 with RE6, train 11070 (Niebüll - Westerland (Sylt)) at Am Rollwagenzug just outside Niebüll on July 7, 2020, 16:34.
Metronoms BR 246 is of type Bombardier TRAXX 2E DE.
Metronom 246 001 (227 kb)
Metronom 246 001 leaves Hamburg-Harburg with ME 39417 (Hamburg Hbf - Cuxhaven) on April 2, 2009, 12:25.
Metronom 246 003 (282 kb)
Metronom 246 003 arrives in Hamburg-Harburg on August 19, 2008.
Metronom 246 004 (258 kb)
Metronom 246 004 in Hamburg-Harburg on November 19, 2010, 13:20.
HVLE 246 010 (253 kb)
Havelländische Eisenbahn AG 246 010 runs through Berlin Schönefeld with VTG tank wagons for ethanol (UN 33-1170) on August 4, 2012, 13:35.
Metronom 246 010 (253 kb)
Metronom 246 010, rented from HVLE and still in HVLE livery, in Hamburg-Harburg with ME 81553 (Hamburg Hbf - Stade, departure 18:02) on April 4, 2014.
ITL 285 109 (269 kb)
ITL 285 109 heads a tank car train through Hamburg-Harburg on April 19, 2010, 11:38.
RheinCargo DE802 (471 kb)
RheinCargo DE802 (aka 285 113) runs through Lintorf with VTG Falns for quartz sand on July 18, 2018, 16:44.